
Weed Identification and Control


Instructor: Aaron Patton, Ph.D.

This nine-week course will provide a fundamental understanding of weed ecology, an overview of major cool- and warm-season weeds, and integrated pest management strategies for their control. The course will focus mainly on cool-season systems (75%) with additional warm-season examples and discussion (25%). Chemical management with a heavy emphasis on pesticide resistance and rotation will be covered. The latest university research findings will be emphasized.

Designed Duration: 30 Lectures, 9 Quizzes

Credits Earned: 3


  • 10 Sections
  • 45 Lessons
  • 9 Quizzes
  • 18h Duration
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Welcome to Weed Identification and Control
2 Lessons
  1. About this course
  2. How to Use GreenKeeper University Software
Section 1: Introduction to Turf Weed Control
6 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 1: Introduction
  2. Lecture 2: Turf Weed Control is Unique and ID
  3. Lecture 3: Seven Principles
  4. Lecture 4: How to use Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals
  5. Supplemental Lecture: What We Now Know About Spray Tank Water Quality
  6. Readings and Other Resources
  7. Section 1 Quiz
Section 2: Weed Ecology and Identification
6 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 5: Weed Ecology
  2. Lecture 6: Weed ID and Herbicide Primer
  3. Lecture 7: Weed Identification Tips and Practice (Weeds in the Greenhouse)
  4. Lecture 8: Weed Identification Tips and Practice (Weeds in the Field)
  5. Lecture 9: Creating Weed Control Programs
  6. Readings and Other Resources
  7. Section 2 Quiz
Section 3: Turf Herbicide Mode of Action and Herbicide Resistance
4 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 10: Herbicide Mechanism of Action: Part I
  2. Lecture 11: Herbicide Mechanism of Action: Part II
  3. Lecture 12: Herbicide Resistance
  4. Readings and Other Resources
  5. Section 3 Quiz
Section 4: Diagnosing and Preventing Herbicide Injury
4 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 13: Avoiding herbicide injury to your turf
  2. Lecture 14: Case Studies Part I
  3. Lecture 15: Case Studies Part II
  4. Readings and Other Resources
  5. Section 4 Quiz
Section 5: Summer Annual Grassy Weeds
4 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 16: Crabgrass Identification and Biology (Part I)
  2. Lecture 17: Crabgrass Preemergence Herbicides (Part II)
  3. Lecture 18: Crabgrass Postemergence Herbicides (Part III)
  4. Readings and Other Resources
  5. Section 5 Quiz
Section 6: Annual Bluegrass Biology and Control
5 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 19: Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) Identification and Biology
  2. Lecture 20: Annual Bluegrass Control in Cool-Season Turf with Herbicides and PGRs
  3. Lecture 21: Annual Bluegrass Control in Warm-Season Turf with Herbicides and Resistance
  4. Homework Assignment
  5. Readings and Other Resources
  6. Section 6 Quiz
Section 7: Sedge Biology and Control
4 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 22: Lecture Nutsedge Biology and Control
  2. Lecture 23: Other Problematic Sedges
  3. Lecture 24: Site Uses and Label Notes
  4. Readings and Other Resources
  5. Section 7 Quiz
Section 8: Perennial Grassy Weeds and Annual Broadleaves
5 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 25: Prostrate Spurge Summer Annual Broadleaf Weeds
  2. Lecture 26: Winter Annual Broadleaf Weeds
  3. Lecture 27: Warm Season Perennial Grassy Weed Control
  4. Lecture 28: Cool Season Perennial Grassy Weed Control
  5. Readings and Other Resources
  6. Section 8 Quiz
Section 9: Perennial Broadleaf Weed Control
5 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 29: Dandelions
  2. Lecture 30: White Clover
  3. Lecture 31: Canada Thistle
  4. Lecture 32: Example Agronomic Programs
  5. Readings and Other Resources
  6. Section 9 Quiz
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