Integrated Pest Management in Turfgrass


Instructor: Jim Kerns, Ph.D.

Course focuses on turfgrass integrated pest management, the diagnostic process in turfgrass systems, resistance management, disease epidemiology, principles of disease management and cultural control strategies.

Designed Duration: 7 Lectures, 6 Quizzes

Credits Earned: 2


  • 7 Sections
  • 9 Lessons
  • 5 Quizzes
  • 8h Duration
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Welcome to Integrated Pest Management in Turfgrass
2 Lessons
  1. About this course
  2. How to use GreenKeeper University Software
Section 1: Introduction to Integrated Pest Management
1 Lesson1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 1: Introduction to Disease Control
  2. Section 1 Quiz
Section 2: Turfgrass Diagnostics
1 Lesson1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 2: Accurate Disease Diagnosis
  2. Section 2 Quiz
Section 3: Fungicide Basics and Resistance Management
1 Lesson1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 3: Fungicide Basics and Fungicide Resistance
  2. Section 3 Quiz
Section 4: Fungicide Resistance
1 Lesson
  1. Lecture 4: Fungicide Resistance
Section 5: Cultural Control
2 Lessons1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 5: Epidemiology and Cultural Control
  2. Lecture 6: Cultural Control
  3. Section 4 and 5 Quiz
Section 6: Host Resistance
1 Lesson1 Quiz
  1. Lecture 7: Host Resistance
  2. Section 6 Quiz
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Integrated Pest Management in Turfgrass
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